Medvetico Brandon XP “Performance” 20 kg

St. Hippolyt

Medvetico Brandon XP “Performance” 20 kg


Complementary feed for horses

Brandon® xp is an energy-rich muesli for sports horses or horses with intensive performance requirements. Due to a special processing of millet (lactofermentation), a large part of the starch it contains becomes resistant to the small intestine (-glycosidic bond) and stimulates the formation of high-energy, short-chain fatty acids in the large intestine. This means a steady supply of energy without major fluctuations in the blood sugar level. As a result, the insulin response is also more moderate than with conventional concentrated feeds with grains. The low-glycemic feed gives sports horses improved stress tolerance, less muscle lactate formation and less heat and sweat production. In addition, Brandon® xp also contains fatty ingredients (oil seeds) as well as extra large intestine digestible energy carriers, so that the convertible energy amounts to 12.8 MJ/kg.

  • For horses with increased performance requirements
  • As a surface-mounted power supply
  • As a follow-up feed after or as a combination feed with Brandon® xl for horses where grain-free feeding is no longer necessary.

Nutritional advice:
0.5-1.0 kg per 100 kg body weight per day in at least 3 portions. Hay ad libitum or as prescribed by the veterinarian.

1 liter corresponds to approx. 420 g

Feeding tip:
Due to the higher content of vitamins and trace elements, this supplementary feed may be given to horses at up to 50% of the daily ration (including hay) compared to complete feed. Follow the nutritional advice.

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